Transforming to meet challenging times

Transforming to meet challenging times

CEOs lean to deals as an enabler of strategic priorities

Leif Zierz

Partner, Deal Advisory

KPMG in Germany

CEO outlook deal advisory infographic

CEOs are looking to significantly transform their companies in the next three years to keep up with the critical changes affecting their industries. Such fundamental change can only be achieved through extraordinary efforts, which may relegate growth to the back seat.

M&A needs deal speed

According to the findings of the Global CEO survey, collaborative deals should be part of every company’s M&A playbook. And in an increasingly disruptive business environment, the best deals playbook takes into account complexity at every turn and incorporates holistic advisors who are enabled with the right technology and the ability to deliver value at deal speed. Business as usual is simply not a viable alternative for companies pursuing a growth agenda.

Looking ahead

The pace of change continues to accelerate as the fourth industrial revolution ushers in a challenging new era. The next three years promise to be critically transformative. This speed of change means CEOs need to act now.

As global CEOs continue to pursue their growth agendas, it is clear that deals, including a growing emphasis on collaborative strategies, will continue to play an integral role in achieving that growth and helping their companies keep pace.

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