MBA, Southern Methodist University
BAc, University of Oklahoma
Certified Public Accountant
Serves as the lead partner for numerous internal audit outsourcing and co-sourcing engagements. Responsibilities include delivering enterprise risk management (ERM) engagements, working with management to develop internal audit plans, executing internal audit projects, assisting in Sarbanes-Oxley 404 (SOX) compliance, and advising with audit committees on corporate governance.
Has led numerous SOX implementation and sustainability projects for domestic and international companies. Responsibilities included program design, project management, documentation of significant processes, development and execution of test plans, remediation of gaps, facilitation of evaluating control deficiencies, and management reporting.
His various audit engagements have addressed a number of operational audits that are of significant risk to the energy industry including capital spending, reserves, land, safety, environmental, project management & construction, procurement and inventory.
Has served as the lead partner on clients involved in large integration efforts in the energy space. Services delivered including project management, technical accounting services, IT conversion and management, SOX impacts, human resources, tax valuation services, and others.