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KPMG Powered Enterprise | KPMG Service Delivery model enabled by Microsoft Dynamics 365

With customers empowered to easily switch providers or substitute products, it is critical now more than ever to provide the right service through the right channel at the right time. There is also a need to continually improve the customer experience and keep managing costs.

Discover how KPMG Powered Enterprise service delivery model can deliver transformation and why an optimized operating model aligned with real-time insights can help drive long-term business value.

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KPMG uses our Target Operating Model, which defines target operating model that defines effective ways to work in the future. It does so across six key layers to enhance service delivery:

  • Process: Framing your marketing, sales and service functions.
  • People: Redefining who does what.
  • Technology: Enabling and automating the way things work.
  • Service delivery: Deciding what gets done and where.
  • Performance insights and data: Enhancing decision-making.
  • Governance: Controlling how everything is overseen.

KPMG professionals can help you develop a clear vision of success within your service delivery model and guide you on a route that’s right for your business.

It’s all part of our KPMG and Microsoft alliance to help accelerate digital transformation for businesses like yours.

Steven Wong

Global Microsoft Powered Platform Lead

KPMG Australia


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Throughout this communication, “we”, “us” and “our” refers to KPMG and Microsoft.

“KPMG” refers to the global organization or to one or more of the member firms of KPMG International Limited (“KPMG International”), each of which is a separate legal entity. KPMG International Limited is a private English company limited by guarantee and does not provide services to clients. For more detail about our structure please visit home.kpmg/governance.