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Key projects

KPMG leaders play key advisory roles in a number of projects with the aim of tackling some of the most significant global challenges through public-private collaboration.

Measuring Stakeholder Capitalism

Environment, Social and Governance considerations (ESG) has become a top priority on investors’ and corporates’ agendas. Boards and executives increasingly see ESG as imperative to long-term value creation and the need to meet investor demand for comparable ESG measurements and disclosures, in a way that drives value for an organization.

Commissioned by the World Economic Forum’s International Business Council (IBC), the white paper Measuring Stakeholder Capitalism - Towards common metrics and consistent reporting of sustainable value creation outlines a recommended set of 21 core metrics and 34 expanded metrics to further the road towards a global harmonized reporting system.

Developed in collaboration with Bank of America, KPMG and the other Big Four organizations, the initiative reflects an extensive consultation process with corporates, investors, standard setters, NGOs, and international organizations, that provide a common set of existing disclosures that lead us towards a coherent and comprehensive global corporate reporting system.

Taskforce for the Mobilization of Capital for Clean Energy Transition in Emerging Economies

The world needs a clear path toward zero net emissions. We understand the decarbonization of electricity systems and expansion of renewable energy across the world is a critical step toward this goal. In support of this, Mike Hayes Global Head of Climate Change & Decarbonization for KPMG IMPACT & Global Head of Renewables, KPMG International, participates on this taskforce that is focused on understanding the real barriers to mobilizing capital into emerging economies and coming up with new and innovation solutions. 

Driving the agenda of the taskforce forward and together with the Alliance of CEO Climate Leaders, KPMG has co-authored a briefing paper highlighting the significant economic and emission reduction benefits that can arise if steps are taken to remove the barriers that exist to the implementation of corporate power purchase agreements (CPPAs) in emerging economies. Read the briefing here.

In an additional contribution to the outputs of the group, a proposal put forth by KPMG IMPACT designed to mobilize capital for climate action, that was taken on by the Taskforce, has been issued as a thought leadership paper by the Forum. Net-zero equity is a new investment concept designed to mobilize capital that is prepared to accept highly uncertain financial returns to fund the most challenging elements of the climate agenda. The idea is that the uncertain financial returns will be more than compensated by the positive impact on the climate agenda that will be created. Read the briefing paper here.

Digital Payments

Payments is now one of the most critical priorities for business leaders on the global stage. The past few years has seen an exponential rise in activity in the payments arena, across a number of spectrums. The aim of this project is to accelerate the adoption of interoperable and inclusive digital payments globally to promote trade and commerce.

Courtney Trimble, Principal, Payments and Digital Transformation, Financial Services, has joined the Advisory Committee - a principal-level body of 30 of the foremost leaders in the space that we will consult with to inform the strategic vision and direction of the project.

Sustainable Healthcare in APAC

KPMG is committed to providing long-term support to our clients as they tackle challenges & transform the way healthcare is delivered around the globe. Aligned to this commitment, KPMG in Singapore and Sanofi, with the support of the World Economic Forum, have undertaken insight gathering activities across APAC on the topic of sustainable healthcare delivery and financing in the region with new insights and recommendations to inform the path forward.

Gaining insights from policymakers, healthcare practitioners, patients, financing, academia and the healthcare industry, among other key constituents, the report puts forward a new `Universal Health Coverage 2.0' model to ensure that healthcare delivery and financing in APAC sustain themselves, and also provide recommendations for three major challenges - life-course immunization, diabetes management and rare diseases.

Partnership for Health System Sustainability and Resilience (PHSSR)

The Partnership for Health System Sustainability and Resilience (PHSSR) is a global collaboration between academic, non-governmental, life sciences, healthcare and business organizations. The PHSSR was established in 2020 by the London School of Economics, the World Economic Forum, and AstraZeneca, who were later joined by global-level collaborators that include KPMG, Royal Philips, Apollo Hospitals and the Center for Asia-Pacific Resilience and Innovation.

Through its work, the PHSSR and its collaborators seek to work with local academics, governments, policymakers and other health system stakeholders, such as providers and payors, to build knowledge through research reports that offer evidence-informed policy recommendations to help improve the sustainability and resilience of healthcare systems.

Dr. Anna van Pouck, Global Head of Healthcare, KPMG International, leads KPMG’s involvement in the PHSSR and sits on its Steering Committee, which is accountable for project governance.

Ghana Country Financing Roadmap (CFR)

The Sustainable Development Investment Partnership (SDIP), a joint initiative of the World Economic Forum and the OECD, recently launched the Country Financing Roadmap (CFR) project. The CFR initiative aims at identifying the existing challenges to the mobilization of capital toward the SDGs, while at the same time, proposing solutions that will overcome those barriers. In Ghana, KPMG in Ghana is providing the technical support needed for the realization of the CFR. KMPG plays a fundamental role both to conduct the necessary technical research and analysis of Ghana’s financing needs for its key development priorities and SDGs, as well as liaise with the local public and private sector, as well as with the SDIP’s global and regional network.

The main deliverable provided by the KPMG team has been a Baseline Assessment in preparation of the first roundtable of the CFR in Ghana, which took place in September, the first milestone of the project. In the lead-up to the second and final roundtable, the KPMG team is working closely with the Government of Ghana, and the SDIP team to develop a Country Financing Roadmap which presents a number of solutions that will crowd in private sector capital, alongside the action plan on how to implement these solutions to support the Ghanaian Beyond Aid Strategy within the framework of the 17 SDGs.

Shaping the Future of Cybersecurity and Digital Trust

The WEF has played a key role in leading the global response to address systemic cyber security challenges and improve digital trust, to defend innovation and protect institutions, businesses and individuals. David Ferbrache, KPMG Global Head of Cyber Futures is leading engagement on these issues and has collaborated on a number of WEF projects and events including Future Series: Cyber security, emerging technology and systemic risk (PDF 4.7 MB) and Passwordless Authentication: The next breakthrough in secure digital transformation (PDF 1.37 MB).


More on the WEF and KPMG



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