Mobility 2030: Beyond Transportation

The future of mobility

It’s now widely accepted that by 2030, mobility especially in large urban areas will be dramatically different from today.


In this KPMG animation, we envision a mobility future where transport seamlessly connects people’s lives, where consumers are able to get from point A to point B in a way which is cheaper, cleaner, safer; and our journeys become productive and entertaining extensions of our day-to-day routines.

Although, we share only one version of the future, what is certain is that we are at the beginning of a transformational journey where we will see shifts in traditional business models. For example, we examine two archetypes that may emerge for car manufacturers existing side-by-side. In our view, future success will only come through an unprecedented degree of collaboration and through design and thinking across government and business.

The future is exciting, the details are yet to be worked out, and collectively we can build our model of mobility 2030.

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