KPMG LINK Global Payroll Manager

KPMG LINK Global Payroll Manager

KPMG LINK Global Payroll Manager is a compensation collection and payroll reconciliation tool.

people walking with luggage

Collection and reporting of global compensation for your traveling employees is an arduous task to say the least.

KPMG LINK Global Payroll Manager helps streamline this process leveraging automated data feeds, configurable cut-off dates and a reconciliation engine allowing you to see discrepancies in your payroll instruction and actual pay amounts.

Tool benefits

Global compensation collection and management: Streamline and simplify your payroll reporting with configurable cut-off dates for all payrolls around the world. Set payroll cutoff dates and reminder messages that are automatically sent from the systems.

Payroll reconciliations: Reconcile payroll instruction with actually paid amounts each payroll period allowing you to stay on top of discrepancies in payroll and allowing you to track those discrepancies helping to ensure that trailing payments are picked up in future payroll cycles.

Payroll reporting: Create monthly, quarterly and annual payroll statements based on your chosen output style. Review dashboard reports and information on your employees’ payroll directly through the KPMG LINK Work Force dashboard.

Did you know?

Global Payroll Manager is the newest in KPMG’s suite of tools to manage the end to-end global mobility process. Designed as a compensation collection and payroll reconciliation tool, it will streamline the collection of payroll data from multi-national jurisdictions regardless of payroll cutoff dates and creates detailed reconciliation reports tied to your specific pay codes ensuring that you track and correctly reportcompensation throughout the year.

For more information on this technology or to receive a live demonstration, please email us-taxgmstechsupport.


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