KPMG LINK Cost Projector

KPMG LINK Cost Projector

KPMG LINK Cost Projector can help calculate the estimated assignment costs from country to country.

man with passport

Any business that sends employees overseas faces numerous planned and unforeseen costs, including the time-consuming, tedious and complex nature of estimating them.

KPMG LINK Cost Projector (Cost Projector) helps multi-national companies quantify the assignment and tax costs associated with sending your employees on both short and long-term international assignments.

Tool benefits

Uncover hidden costs: Keep your company’s budgets under control, ensure all costs are identified and incorporated into your planning.

Unravel tax issues: Prepare your business for the ongoing costs of international assignments with a clear view of how changing tax laws and policies can affect your bottom line.

Did you know?

Cost Projector enables you to conveniently model costs for tax and social insurance, different allowances and tax reimbursement structures for individuals or for groups of employees.

For more information on this technology or to receive a live demonstration, please email us-taxgmstechsupport.

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