Rising to the demands of a new reality

16 June 2020

Thank you for following our webcast series over the past few months, looking together at the business impacts of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) and how tax, legal and mobility leaders can effectively navigate through the reaction, resilience and recovery phases of response while paving their own paths to the new reality ahead.

Though much is still unknown, we’ve learned a lot since this all began. This final webcast will be an opportunity to explore the changes we’ve seen and the expectations for the future, and a chance to reflect on what you’ve told us along the way. We hope you can join our webcast series finale titled, ‘Rising to the demands of a new reality.’ During this final session, join global leaders from tax, legal and mobility as we tackle the following questions:

  • What have tax, mobility and legal leaders learned during the response to COVID-19 to date and how do we expect them to evolve?
  • What direction may government tax-related measures take in the new reality?
  • What might business leaders expect in the new reality ahead for tax, legal and mobility functions, and what can they do to prepare?

Suggested audience: Heads of Tax, Tax Directors, Heads of Finance, Heads of Legal, Heads of Mobility and other business leaders from across sectors


Brahma Sharma, Global Head of Markets, Tax & Legal, KPMG International
Jane McCormick, Global Head of Tax & Legal Services, KPMG International
Sean Bloodwell, Global Head of Compliance Management Services, KPMG International
Lachlan Wolfers, Global Head of Indirect Tax Services, KPMG International
Marc Burrows, Head of Global Mobility Services, KPMG International
Stuart Fuller, Global Head of Legal Services, KPMG International

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What does being a responsible taxpayer look like in this era of recovery?

9 June 2020

As many jurisdictions begin to emerge from the initial response to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), what does the new reality look like from a Responsible Tax perspective? In this session, we will consider how the tax transparency debate will evolve, the roles and responsibilities of directors, the future direction which governments may take to repair their fiscal deficits, and the extent to which tax authorities may seek to recoup subsidies and other benefits claimed by businesses during COVID-19. We will explore such questions as:

  • How are governments likely to balance the need to stimulate the recovery versus the need for fiscal consolidation to pay off deficits?
  • Will multilateralism or unilateralism ultimately win as jurisdictions act quickly?
  • Will the world maintain its interest in shifting to a greener economy as opposed to putting these issues on hold to focus on growth?
  • How will organizations be measured in terms of their contributions to society during this time?
  • What will Responsible Tax look like in the new reality ahead?

Suggested audience: Heads of Tax, Tax Directors, Heads of Finance and other business leaders from financial services institutions


Jane McCormick, Global Head of Tax & Legal Services, KPMG International
Grant Wardell-Johnson, Head of Australian Tax Centre, KPMG in Australia
Chris Morgan, Head of Tax Policy, KPMG International, and Head of EU Tax Group, KPMG in the UK
Jane Lawrie, Global Head of Corporate Affairs, KPMG International 
Ruud de Mooij, Division Chief of the Tax Policy; Fiscal Affairs Department, International Monetary Fund

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From resilience to recovery, what do we expect of business, tax and legal functions as we emerge from COVID-19?

2 June 2020

Over the past few months the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) has presented business functions with many challenges, and as we move from resilience and into the recovery phase, the future emerging on the horizon is unfamiliar. What are tax, legal and other business leaders doing now to prepare for the new reality?

In this session in our webcast series, we will take a case study approach to explore real responses to the situation, and consider various questions, including:

  • What are leaders doing now to respond and how are they preparing for the unknown? What scenarios are being considered and what are the challenges that lie ahead?
  • Will we ever revert back to “normal” and, if not, what will the new reality mean for tax, legal and business leaders? How will automation and technology play a role in transforming?
  • How are businesses likely to react to cost savings and efficiencies, and what might that mean for tax and legal functions?
  • What changes can tax and legal functions expect on shareholder engagement, including approaches on managing pressures from governments looking to generate revenue nationally and regulators seeking to take a more interventionist approach to managing risk?
  • Where are the bright spots and why should we be hopeful?

Suggested audience: Heads of Tax, Tax Directors, Heads of Finance, Heads of Legal, and other business leaders


Marko Gründig. Head of Tax, KPMG in Germany 
Melissa Geiger, Partner, Head of International Tax and Tax Policy, KPMG in the UK
Amar Thakrar, Partner, Tax, KPMG in the UK
Loek Helderman, Partner, KPMG Meijburg & Co
Jennifer Sponzilli, Principal, International Tax, KPMG in the US
Joseph Hargrove, Head of Global Financial Services Tax, KPMG International and Principal, Head of Tax Markets and Services, KPMG in the US
Mathias Oberndörfer, Partner and Managing Director, KPMG in Germany

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Global disputes in a COVID-19 era: Revenue authority reactions, guidance and what to expect going forward

26 May 2020

There is no doubt that post novel coronavirus (COVID-19), things will be different for both taxpayers and the revenue authorities. In this session, we are joined by senior officials from HMRC, the ATO and the IRS to consider what taxpayers and tax authorities are currently dealing with, how they might adapt to the new reality, and what taxpayers might expect as they look forward. We also consider how revenue authorities have addressed the current environment, and the overall global approach to COVID-19 and its aftermath.

We explore a number of key questions with our distinguished panel including:

  • How have revenue authorities sought to address the many issues confronting taxpayers in today’s environment?
  • How have the revenue authorities’ global collaboration efforts impacted their approach?
  • What might a post-COVID-19 environment look like for revenue authorities and taxpayers as we return to tax audits, information gathering and tax collection?
  • Will the post-COVID-19 environment be more difficult for taxpayers to navigate as revenue authorities pick up their examination and collection efforts?
  • How will the economic environment influence post-COVID-19 issues and disputes?

Suggested audience: Heads of Tax, Heads of Controversy, Tax Directors, Heads of Finance and other business leaders


Sharon Katz-Pearlman, Head of Global Tax Disputes & Controversy Services, KPMG International
Fiona Hay, Head of International Relations and Capacity Building, HM Revenue & Customs
David Price, Head of Tax Treaty Team, HM Revenue & Customs
Douglas O'Donnell, Commissioner, Large Business & International Division, Internal Revenue Service
Jeremy Hirschhorn, Second Commissioner, Client Engagement Group, Australian Tax Office
Angela Wood, Partner and National Leader of KPMG Law's Tax Controversy & Dispute Resolution practice, KPMG Australia
Dermot Gaffney, Lead Partner, Tax Reimagined, Africa Region, KPMG in South Africa
Marcos Matsunaga, Partner and Head of Tax Dispute Resolution and Controversy Services, KPMG in Brazil

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Financial Services tax policy – the shape of things to come

19 May 2020

As the international response to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to evolve, many governments have taken extraordinary measures to help pull their economies through this time. This session explores how countries will consider how they use tax policy measures to cushion the economic fall-out and put in place new programs to help manage deficits as we start to emerge from COVID-19. Robin Walduck, Tax Partner, KPMG in the UK and Global Head of Banking and Capital Markets Tax, KPMG International,  chair a discussion on the following:

  • How governments may potentially deal with the aftermath of COVID-19 in terms of changes to tax policy 
  • The latest developments in relation to the next phase of the BEPS project
  • The latest thinking on the OECD’s financial transactions paper

Suggested audience: Heads of Tax, Tax Directors, Heads of Finance and other business leaders from financial services institutions


Robin Walduck, UK Tax Partner and KPMG’s Global Head of Banking and Capital Markets Tax
Kay Swinburne, KPMG UK’s Vice Chair of Financial Services and former member of the European Parliament
Matthew Herrington, Tax Partner, KPMG in the UK
Michael Plowgian, Principal, KPMG in the US
Elisenda Monforte Vila, EMEA lead for Global Financial Services Transfer Pricing, KPMG in Spain
Robin Saunders, Global Financial Services Transfer Pricing Policy Lead, KPMG in the UK

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COVID-19 and beyond: What Asset Managers need to know

12 May 2020

This webcast features leading KPMG professionals from around the world as they share insights on the impact that the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) is having on the Asset Management industry, at the investor, fund, and portfolio company level. Topics include the impact on current investment trends, opportunities and hurdles for financial assistance, business and strategy impacts, and what to anticipate moving forward.

  • Business impacts – including operational challenges, regulatory changes, global mobility and technology
  • Financial impacts – including tax challenges and opportunities, liquidity considerations, valuation impacts and accounting related pitfalls
  • Investment trends – including the current environment and what’s next from a deal trend and transactional perspective
  • Q&A from attendees

Suggested audience: Tax and investment professionals involved with private equity, sovereign wealth and pensions, real estate, infrastructure, alternative investments, regulated funds and hedge funds


Andrew Weir, Global Head, Asset Management, KPMG China
David Neuenhaus, Global Head, Asset Management Tax, KPMG in the US
Nathan Hall, Partner, Tax, KPMG in the UK
Kevin Valek, Partner, Tax, KPMG in the US
Yesenia Scheker, Partner, Tax, KPMG in the US

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The tax impacts arising from increased digitalization of business models: The future of tax and legal – a global perspective

5 May 2020

This session in The future of tax & legal: Keeping connected globally virtual meeting series explores the tax impacts associated with the digitalization of business models, how conversations around this are shifting in light of the current climate and what the new reality may look like beyond this period.

  • As companies increase the digitalization of their business models to deal with the current conditions, what are the tax implications now and in the future? 
  • What direction is the BEPS 2.0 discussion taking in light of the current environment? Will multilateralism triumph over unilateralism in taxing the digital economy?
  • How are countries and regions now handling the issue of digitalization, considering specifically India, the UK, the EU and Asia Pacific regions?
  • How does Indirect Tax show a potential model for the future direction of corporate taxes in the area of digitalized businesses?
  • In the current circumstances, what should companies be considering? How might this all play out in the months ahead?

Suggested audience: Heads of Tax, Tax Directors, Heads of Finance and other business leaders


Rodney Lawrence, Head of International Tax, KPMG International and Partner, KPMG in the US
Manal Corwin, National Service Line Leader for International Tax, and Principal-in-Charge of Washington National Tax—International Tax Policy, KPMG in the U.S.
Matthew Herrington, Partner, International Tax, KPMG in the UK
Hitesh Gajaria, Partner, Tax, KPMG in India
Kate Law, Principal, Tax, KPMG in the US
Grant Wardell-Johnson, Head of Australian Tax Centre, KPMG in Australia

Managing business reorganization in the post-COVID-19 world

28 April 2020

The next virtual meeting in The future of tax & legal: Keeping connected globally series will provide insights into potential requirements for cross-border business reorganization and other funding requirements. From commercial, tax and legal perspectives, ‘Business reorganization in the post-pandemic world,’ will cover the following:

  • Demergers and corporate reorganizations
  • Debt restructures and funding options
  • Private transactions
  • Tax and legal issues associated with business reorganization
  • Role of directors during the pandemic

Suggested audience: General Counsel, Heads of Legal, Heads of Tax, CFOs, Heads of Strategy, Heads of M&A


Wilbert Kannekens, Head of Tax, KPMG in the Netherlands
Stuart Fuller, Global Head of Legal Services, KPMG International
Leif Zierz, Global Head of Deal Advisory, KPMG International 
Arco Verhulst, Global Head of M&A Deal Advisory, Tax, KPMG International
Anna Balinsky, Partner, Business Law and Managing Partner, KPMG Law LLP in Canada
David Heathcote, Global Head of Debt Advisory, KPMG Australia

Managing employee and mobility issues through the pandemic and beyond – global perspectives on permanent establishment, employment related taxes, employment law, mobility and immigration

21 April 2020

This session in The future of tax & legal: Keeping connected globally virtual meeting series focused on the compliance, policy and reputational issues that should be considered as we emerge from the initial shock and management of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). Topics explored include:

  • Employees away from their usual work location
  • Accessing government stimulus packages
  • Adjustments to pay and reward packages
  • What immigration might look like in a post COVID-19 world

Suggested audience: Tax Directors, HR Directors, Global Mobility and Employment Tax professionals.


David Linke, National Managing Partner, Deals, Tax & Legal, KPMG Australia
Marc Burrows, Head of Global Mobility Services, KPMG International
Michael Bussa, Global Reward Services Leader, KPMG in the US
Alex Ma, Senior Associate SF Lawyers in association with KPMG Law Hong Kong (SAR), China
Paul Heywood, Risk and Policy Partner, KPMG in the UK
Michelle Berners-Price, EMA Head of Business Travel Services
Daida Hadzic, EMA Head of Quality, Global Mobility Services
Ray Rackham, Global Head of Immigration, HSBC

More previous webcast topics:

  • Managing in challenging times: Tax and legal impacts from a global perspective (March 2020) 
  • Managing in challenging times: the future of Tax and Legal: a global perspective (March 2020) 
  • Global Supply Chain planning in a post-COVID-19 world: The Future of Tax and Legal: a global perspective (April 2020) 
  • Managing tax compliance through and beyond COVID-19: The future of tax and legal: a global perspective (April 2020) 

For any questions please email us at tax@kpmg.com