Introducing blockchain and cryptocurrencies

Some key impacts and implications

Some key impacts and implications

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In this episode, Brian Fields and Emma Hunter deliver a high-level overview of emerging blockchain technology and discuss some of its key impacts and implications. 

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Blockchain is just one part of a broader wave of emerging technology – think about things like artificial intelligence and automation – with the capacity to profoundly impact all aspects of the financial reporting process.

Brian Fields
Partner, Department of Professional Practice
KPMG in the US

It is definitely technology that’s pushing the boundaries and raising questions around how we actually regulate this, what regulatory frameworks that already exist will apply, and what we need to put in place to ensure that it is effectively regulated and controlled.

Emma Hunter
Financial Crime Legal Practice, KPMG in the UK

Download our glossary of blockchain terminology (PDF 58 KB). A full transcript (PDF 88 KB) of this episode is also available. 

Visit our IFRS Today landing page to view other episodes in this series.

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