Human: Solving the global workforce crisis in healthcare

Solving the global workforce crisis in healthcare

By 2030, there will be a shortage of approximately 18 million health workers - one fifth of the workforce needed to keep healthcare systems going.

By 2030, there will be a global shortage of approximately 18 million health workers.

A global workforce crisis in healthcare is on the horizon. By 2030, the WHO estimates there will be a global shortage of approximately 18 million health workers – 20% of the workforce needed to keep healthcare systems going.

Dr. Mark Britnell, KPMG Global Chairman for Healthcare, Government & Infrastructure and award-winning author, uses his unique insights from advising governments, executives and clinicians across 77 countries to present solutions to this impending crisis through his new book, Human: Solving the Global Workforce Crisis in Healthcare. Human moves us away from a purely economic and technological approach to healthcare and focuses on the human in rebalancing the whole health debate.

Drawing on his experiences from the most advanced healthcare systems to revolutionary new approaches across the globe, Dr. Mark Britnell identifies what works and what doesn’t to offer a truly global perspective in solving the workforce challenge over the coming decade.

Learn more or order a copy of Human: Solving the Global Workforce Crisis in Healthcare.


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