Italy – Enhancing Mobility, Extending Residence Permits, Restricting Travel from India
IT – Measures for Mobility, Residence, Travel
The Italian government approved further law provisions that have been necessary in order to adjust to the twists and turns in the national and global public health crises caused by the coronavirus pandemic. Starting from 26 April, certain commercial activities and cultural places have opened again. And resident permits previously extended until 30 April 2021, have now been extended until 31 July 2021. However, the Ministry of Health has banned travellers who come from India, Sri Lanka, and Bangladesh.
At the end of April 2021, the Italian government approved further law provisions that have been necessary in order to adjust to the twists and turns in the national and global public health crises caused by the coronavirus pandemic.
Starting from 26 April, commercial activities and cultural places have opened again in those areas where the risk of contagion is lower (the so-called yellow zones), whereas reopening remains slower in areas with a higher risk of contagion (orange and red zones). This initial and phased reopening is also underpinned by a steadily growing vaccine campaign.
At the same time, due to the surge of new variants in some countries, stricter rules have just come into force for the upcoming weeks.
The restrictions, which have not changed in a significant way, are still in force: mobility across regions is still affected as avoiding physical contact and tracing movements and contacts continue to be considered among the most appropriate mitigation measures to help limit any increase in contagion rates while the vaccine campaign moves forward and more and more people get vaccinated.
A green pass may be introduced to allow people to travel across the EU, which should enhance mobility, having, it is expected, a positive impact on daily life and business.
Travelling from abroad continues to be possible, though dependent on the country of origin and on the local situation abroad. Quarantine is still significantly in use for both international trips from EU countries and from non-EU countries.
Projects to Improve Mobility
In parallel with the EU authorities, Italy has been developing a COVID-19 “green pass” to improve mobility across the EU.
This pass may be obtained, when in force, after completing the vaccine process, after recovering from COVID-19 or after taking PCR tests or rapid antigen tests showing negative results.
It can last from two days to six months, unless COVID-19 symptoms appear and depending on the criteria set to obtain it.1
Extension of Resident Permits
Due to several reasons, like for instance the impossibility to travel back to Italy and proceed with the renewal processes or for the involved authorities to process applications at a normal pace, those resident permits previously extended until 30 April 2021, have now been extended until 31 July 2021.2 In this timeframe, it is possible to apply, in Italy, for the renewal.
Travel Restrictions: India, Sri Lanka, and Bangladesh
A very recent rule from the Ministry of Health has banned travellers who come from India, Sri Lanka, and Bangladesh, and those who were in one of these countries in the 14 days before travelling. The only category of travellers that is currently authorised to enter Italy is Italian citizens resident in Italy (those who were abroad for a short period of time) and who satisfy the health criteria.
Those who can come back from such countries need to inform the local health-care authorities, take all the necessary tests before and after the trip, carry a “self certification,” and spend 10 days in quarantine in a COVID “hotel” (any one of a number of dedicated venues mandated by the health-care authorities for purposes of spending the self-isolation period.)
Those who have entered Italy and were in India, Sri Lanka, or Bangladesh in the 14 days prior to the approval of this new law provision need to inform the local health-care authorities in Italy, take a PCR test, self-isolate for 10 days, and take a new PCR test at the end of the self-isolation period.3
The rule is valid until 15 May at least.
Introduction of Quarantine Period for Trips from Most EU Countries, Other Scenarios Entail Reduced Quarantine for Non-EU Countries
A further ordinance has introduced a period of self-isolation equal to five days for travellers coming from certain EU countries; whereas the 14-day period of quarantine from non-EU countries has now been lowered to 10 days. This law provision now applies to entries from 19 April.4
Extension of Limitations to Flights and Entries from Brazil
The law provision of the Ministry of Health limiting the possibilities to enter the country from Brazil has been extended until 15 May at least.5
General conditions that apply for entries into Italy from Brazil include being resident in Italy as of 13 February 2021, or the need to reach the domicile, accommodation, or place of residence of minor children, a spouse, or a partner in a civil union currently in Italy.
For trips from Brazil as well, entry requirements include:
- showing a self-certification,
- taking a PCR test 48 hours before travelling and showing negative results,
- taking a further test upon arrival in Italy,
- undergoing a self-isolation period of 10 days, and then,
- taking a further PCR test at the end of the quarantine period.6
Self Certification in Digital Format
New law provisions7 have now introduced a digital version of the self-certification form that was already mandatory on paper in support for most types of trips to Italy. As before, it is necessary to carry it on a supported device to show it when requested.8 The link to the digital form is: .9
With COVID-19 still affecting the entire world and with the rise of mutated variants, contagion still needs to be kept under control in the coming months. Meanwhile the vaccine campaign aims at reaching as many people per day as possible, while the country’s economy tries to revive from the shock and downturn of the pandemic.
1 DECRETO-LEGGE 22 aprile 2021, n. 52 Misure urgenti per la graduale ripresa delle attività economiche e sociali nel rispetto delle esigenze di contenimento della diffusione dell'epidemia da COVID-19. For the text (in Italian), see:
2 DECRETO-LEGGE 30 aprile 2021, n. 56 Disposizioni urgenti in materia di termini legislativi. For the text (in Italian), see: .
3 Ministero della Salute Ordinanza del 29 Aprile 2021. For the text (in Italian), see: .
4 Ministero della Salute Ordinanza del 17 Aprile 2021. For the text (in Italian), see: .
5 Ministero della Salute Ordinanza del 29 Aprile 2021. (It extends the ordinance Ministero della Salute Ordinanza del 17 Aprile 2021.)
6 Ministero della Salute Ordinanza del 17 Aprile 2021. For the text (in Italian), see: .
7 Ministero della Salute Ordinanza del 17 Aprile 2021. For the text (in Italian), see: .
8 Ministero della Salute Ordinanza del 29 Aprile 2021. For the text (in Italian), see: .
9 DECRETO-LEGGE 22 aprile 2021, n. 52 Misure urgenti per la graduale ripresa delle attività economiche e sociali nel rispetto delle esigenze di contenimento della diffusione dell'epidemia da COVID-19. For the text (in Italian), see: .
* Please note that KPMG LLP (U.S.) does not offer immigration services or labour law services. However, KPMG Law LLP in Canada can assist clients with U.S. immigration matters.
The information contained in this newsletter was submitted by the KPMG International member firm in Italy.
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