Carolin Leeshaa

Natural Capital & Biodiversity Global Lead

KPMG International

Carolin has been at the forefront of global social & sustainable finance for over twenty years. As a trusted impact strategist she works at the intersection of government policy, capital markets and communities across developed and emerging markets. Equipped with a systems view of complex challenges, she has a deep commitment to catalyse social prosperity and regenerative economic growth. A common thread throughout her career has been the application of creativity, collaboration and finance to design and deliver transformative, impactful solutions to address the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

With a background in global capital markets and structured finance, she leads the firm's global Natural Capital & Biodiversity mandate, market engagement and thought leadership. One of her principal areas of expertise includes advising government, financial services and corporate clients to integrate nature as an opportunity in policy, strategy, business, investment-and risk management decisions, design of nature-based decarbonisation solutions, and innovative, blended cross-sector funding mechanisms across the full spectrum of the capital continuum to close the climate and biodiversity financing gap. She has been actively involved in national policy, global biodiversity accounting standard setting and reporting change and is a member of the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD).

She is a graduate of the Oxford Impact Finance Innovation Programme at the Said Business School, University of Oxford and holds masters’ degrees in banking and finance and post-graduate qualifications of social impact from the Frankfurt School of Finance and Management, University of New South Wales.

  • Agribusiness
  • Charities and Not-for-profit Organizations
  • Deal Advisory
  • Economic and commercial
  • Financial Services
  • Government and Public Sector
  • Human and Social Services
  • Innovation
  • Innovation strategy
  • Sustainability
  • Frankfurt School of Finance & Management, Masters of Banking & Finance (equiv)

  • University of New South Wales, Graduate Certificate of Social Impact

  • Australian Institute of Company Directors Graduate (GAICD)